About Me

Nuclear Engineer Reader Amateur Writer Wanderer Believer Life's Fan

Double Masters degree in Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Reactor Physics — undergraduate degree in Material Science — Interested in System Thermal Hydraulics, Reactor Physics, modelling and simulations — Experience in Fast Reactor as well as LWR modeling and simulation using RELAP5-3D — International, multi-cultural educational and work experience — An ardent believer of next generation of nuclear reactors and making the present generation safer — Worked on various Nuclear, entrepreneurial, energy related projects — This page is only for acquintance, kindly use my contact details for detailed information

When your life deals with subatomic particles, then a little bit of philosophy creeps in naturally. So, apart from being a nuclear engineer, I love to read books, scribe at times, wander around a lot, think about existence of life in general and its meaning in particular...

Contact Details

Chirayu Batra
Nuclear Power Technology Developement Section
Division of Nuclear Power
Department of Nuclear Energy
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

A2553 Wagrammer Srasse 5, 1220 Wien
(+43-1) 2600-23313


Work Experience

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Associate Nuclear Engineer June 2015 - Present Vienna, Austria

Involved in two major projects:

Fast Reactor Technology Development:
Fostering international collaboration in the field of Fast Reactor technology development through the organization and coordination of Technical Meeting, Consultancy Meetings and Coordinated Research Projects — Coordinating the efforts of a diverse set of technical experts representing various member states, preparing technical documents, reports and other working material in a very dynamic and global work environment.
NOTE: Next biggest Fast Reactor conference: FR17
Educational Simulators Development and Management:
The IAEA develops and manages a suite of PC based educational nuclear power plant and part task simulators for use by its member states. They are free to use and can be obtained from the agency website upon request — I am responsible for management and development at the agency. Currently we are working on two new simulators - "Small Modular Reactor(iPWR)" and "Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor (SFR)" — We also organize regular training courses and workshops at different parts of the world. If you or your organization is interested in holding a educational simulator workshop in your country you can contact me.

Nuclear and Industrial Engineering (N.IN.E)

Research Member Feb 2014 - August 2014 Pisa, Italy

Developing simulation models and analysis for various systems and plant designs — Performing Safety analysis and contributing to safety analysis reports — Presenting the technical work done in various national & itnernational meetings and conferences.
Major projects — EBR-II Shitdown Heat Removal Test Modeling and Simulations; Modeling of Pressure Supression Pool for ITER.

Schlumberger Oil Field Services

Tech and Field Engineer October 2008 - April 2009 Lima, Peru

Drilling and Measurement Department — Responsible for oil well drilling operations — Extensive and compelling field work

TATA Steels Ltd.

Engineer Trainee - Internship May 2007 - July 2007 Jamshedpur, India

Project Title: Removal of Pinch/Fold mark from Hot Rolled thin Coils (was a persistent problem in the plant) — The problem was resolved at the end of internship — The results of the analysis were implemented in the plant


Seoul National University (SNU)

PhD in Nuclear Engineering (Voluntary Suspension) September 2015 - April 2016 Seoul, Republic of Korea

Started working on code development for Fast Reactor Kinetics — First semester completed with grade point of 4.3/4.3 — a brief description of work done in 6 months can be found here (not original work, Original by Prof. Joo, Han-Gyu)

Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires (INSTN)

Master in Nuclear Reactor Physics and Engineering (NRPE) September 2012 - September 2013 CEA-Saclay, France

Relevant Courses: — Thermal Hydraulics and Reactor Physics, Advanced Thermal Hydraulics, Neutronics-1, Neutronics-2, PSA, DSA, Risk Management, Nuclear Regulations and Safety, Management of Nuclear Power Plants, — Modelling and Analysis using Simulation codes like, RELAP, FLICA (Thermal Hydraulics code), PARCS (Neutronics code), MCNPx, TRIPOLI4(Monte Carlo method), Apollo2(Neutronics code)
Rank: 3
A copy of my master thesis could be found here

Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM)

Summer School (Executive Program) June 2012 Grenoble, France

Intensive course on energy management and innovation, discussed EU energy market scenario focused on renewable as well as non-renewable sources of energy

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Master in Nuclear Engineering (MNE) October 2011 - June 2012 Barcelona, Spain

Relevant Courses: — Thermal Hydraulics and Reactor Physics, Advanced Thermal Hydraulics, Neutronics-1, Neutronics-2, PSA, DSA, Risk Management, Nuclear Regulations and Safety, Management of Nuclear Power Plants, — Modelling and Analysis using Simulation codes like, RELAP, FLICA (Thermal Hydraulics code), PARCS (Neutronics code), MCNPx, TRIPOLI4(Monte Carlo method), Apollo2(Neutronics code)
Rank: 1

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Metllurgical and Materials Engineering May 2004 - June 2008 Roorkee, India

Relevant Courses: — Physical Metallurgy, Advanced Materials, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Metal Processing, Ceramics, Corrosion, Polymers and Elastomers, Thermodynamics. — Mathematics 1, 2 and 3, Numerical Analysis.

Other Intersting



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  • And I have found both freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us.

    Kahlil Gibran "The Madman"
  • And I have found both freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us.

    Kahlil Gibran

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